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Showing posts from September, 2020

'Customer is the King'

'Customer is the King'

Reverse Logistics in Supply Chain Management

Reverse Logistics in Supply Chain Management Reverse logistics is an important part of the supply chain and can be leveraged to improve your bottom line. Once you understand what is reverse logistics, you’ll be able to make the most of your supply chain process. What is reverse logistics? Reverse logistics refers to the return of goods. You’ll find that reverse logistics happens after the point of sale. Reverse logistics might refer to the return of items sold. It also might refer to: The reuse of products Repairing/recycling The disposal of products Using expired or damaged products to create value

Setting 'SMART Goals' on path of success

Setting 'SMART Goals' on path of Success   Have you thought about what you want to be doing in five years' time? Are you clear about what your main objective at work is at the moment? Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today? If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. Think about it: having a million dollars in the bank is only proof of success if one of your goals is to amass riches. If your goal is to practice acts of charity, then keeping the money for yourself is suddenly contrary to how you would define success. To accomplish your goals, however, you need to know how to set them. You can't simply say, "I want" and expect it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achiev

VISUME - 'The Digital Resume' That'll Fetch You The Dream Job

  VISUME - 'The Digital Resume' That'll Fetch You The Dream Job The internet has made finding job openings a lot easier, but it also makes getting those jobs harder because you’re usually competing with hundreds of other applicants. If you want to get more interviews, you’ve got to find a way to stand out, and a video resume will do just that.  Videos should be engaging: Even the best resume doesn’t have the “pop” of personality that video adds. Videos shares your body language, expressions, and tone of voice, factors that are missing from a paper resume.  Note that your video doesn’t have to be complicated to be well done. Consider this simple but professional-looking video resume. It doesn’t rely on fancy visuals — only a blank background, some text, and a well-rehearsed script. Saji’s video here is a strong sell for her knowledge and experience. She showcases her presentation skills without going overboard on video production.  Video resumes are particularly useful if yo