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VISUME - 'The Digital Resume' That'll Fetch You The Dream Job


VISUME - 'The Digital Resume' That'll Fetch You The Dream Job

The internet has made finding job openings a lot easier, but it also makes getting those jobs harder because you’re usually competing with hundreds of other applicants. If you want to get more interviews, you’ve got to find a way to stand out, and a video resume will do just that. 

The Video Resume: 5 Examples of Good and Bad Ways to Execute Them

Videos should be engaging:

Even the best resume doesn’t have the “pop” of personality that video adds. Videos shares your body language, expressions, and tone of voice, factors that are missing from a paper resume. 

Note that your video doesn’t have to be complicated to be well done. Consider this simple but professional-looking video resume. It doesn’t rely on fancy visuals — only a blank background, some text, and a well-rehearsed script. Saji’s video here is a strong sell for her knowledge and experience. She showcases her presentation skills without going overboard on video production. 

Video resumes are particularly useful if you’re in a profession that requires strong communication skills. Job hunters in creative professions can also gain a considerable advantage from a good video resume because it gives them an opportunity to demonstrate their creative talents.

However, a badly done video resume can backfire by instead demonstrating your lack of artistic talents. And once your video resume hits the Internet, it will be there for all future employers to see. You must be sure that both your content and your video style are appropriate for the occasion before you send your video resume to anyone.

What should you put in a video resume?

Think of your video resume as a mini job interview. Your clothing, demeanor, language, and subject matter should be interview-appropriate. In other words, don’t send a video of yourself surfing unless you’re applying for a job in the surfing world.

  • Tell a story. A video resume is a great way to showcase something from your background that’s sure to impress the hiring manager, especially if you tell it in the form of a story. If you’re having trouble deciding what to talk about, write an outline detailing your background and think about how your experience is connected. What have you learned in your past that would make you a great fit for this new position?
  • Be brief. Limit your video resume to no longer than two minutes — anything longer than that is asking too much of the hiring manager. 60-90 seconds is ideal. Read your script out loud, or better yet, record yourself reading the script, and then play back the recording. Hearing the words makes it easier to home in on the most relevant and interesting bits of your background.
  • Be specific. For a truly compelling video resume, create a custom video for each job you apply to. You’ll be able to point out how your background makes you a perfect fit for that specific job, and you can even work in a line or two about why you want to join the company. For instance, if a job posting says they want someone with project management experience, talk about a project you managed.
  • Add a call-to-action. End the video with a call-to-action, a sentence or two that spells out the next step and motivates viewers to take it. For example, you might ask the hiring manager to visit your LinkedIn profile to see the rest of your employment history. A good call-to-action makes all the difference between a video that gets results and one that does nothing more than entertain the hiring manager.

To make sure you look your best on camera, wear the same kind of outfit you’d choose for an interview with the employer you’re interested in. Place the camera so that the lens is just above your eyeline and tilt it down a bit to get the most flattering angle. Don’t position yourself directly under a bright overhead light or you’ll end up with distracting shadows on your face. Finally, choose a professional-looking background — preferably a blank wall or backdrop in a neutral color.

Here are a couple of examples of VISUMEs for your help.


VISUME Example


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